
Skin Pigmentation _ Causes and Treatment

What is Skin Pigmentation? Your complexion is decided by pigments referred to as melanin that is made by specialized cells melanocytes) of the skin. There are over a hundred and fifty genes that have an effect on complexion either directly or indirectly. Thus there’s really nothing much you can do regarding the natural pigmentation/colour of your skin. What Causes Skin Pigmentation Disorders? Sometimes, the melanin production goes out of the normal; either deficient or an excessive amount of melanin is made inflicting skin pigmentation disorders. These conditions make the skin appear lighter or darker than traditional, or blotchy and stained. An excessive amount of melanin causes hyperpigmentation and deficient melanin leads to hypopigmentation. The root cause is mostly attributed to internal factors like hormones, epithelial tissue cells, or biological conditions like pregnancy. External factors like UV, burning, or contact with some chemicals might cause pigmentation disorders. Stres